now is the TimE to unify As pilotS and revitalize OUR UNION

Our mission:

Realize our full value as professionals

Our pathway:

Support candidates for ACPA elected office who will:

Return the ultimate direction and control of our Union to the pilots,

Protect our contract while focusing on our most vulnerable pilots (furlough, new hires, retirees, sick)

Uphold the current ACPA constitution and embrace the Pilots for Change core elements of Culture, Knowledge, Engagement, Accountability, Community and Professional Pride,

Partner with well resourced, globally respected, and experienced pilot labour organizations.

OUr vision:

Build a shared culture based on the highest values of the professional pilot and the labour movement

Elevate our status as a pilot group to be recognized as global leaders in safety and professionalism,

Be a positive force accelerating the value of our profession upwards by fighting the common battles shared by all professional pilots, in Canada and internationally,

Win industry leading contracts with wages and benefits aligned with our global peers.

 Pilots for Change is a diverse network of Air Canada pilots from across the country, with a mission to support ACPA candidates on a unified platform in 2021 and beyond. We want the best for our individual careers and our profession, but to get there we need to rediscover the true collective power of our pilot group. Keep reading to learn more about the changes we believe are essential for our union.

Core Elements of CHANGE


We need to get back to our union roots, and put our profession first


We need robust governance, oversight and transparency


We need the tools and the intel to overcome today’s toughest challenges


We belong in the international society of airline pilots


With an engaged pilot group, we can mobilize to do the impossible

Professional Pride

We should leave our profession better than we found it