Union Dues

We need to be ready for incrementally higher dues, especially as we navigate through the current health and economic crisis. Not only are our numbers being slashed through furloughs, we pay comparatively lower dues than some other pilot unions. We have to ask fundamental questions about what we want to do as an association and be realistic about what that costs.

We acknowledge that pilots need to feel confident their dues dollars are being used in an effective and accountable manner before they will support higher dues rates, and that trust will take time to win. However, these are just a few of the reasons we believe that now is the time to consider raising dues, regardless of what flag we fly above our association:

  • Increasing complexity: The complexity of our contracts mean that we need to continually be investing in our arsenal of bargaining tools through dedicated bargaining teams, industry researchers and legal professionals.

  • Political influence: So much of our power as labour comes from how the public and the government understands our issues. Dues enable a union to expand our influence through ongoing government relations programs and community engagement activities.

  • Pilot organizing: Funding organizing campaigns at non-union carriers provides critical protection against corporations that often introduce inferior wages and working conditions into the pilot market.

  • Money in the bank: Large, pooled contingency funds (or strike funds) offer support for pilot groups in bargaining, particularly smaller carriers that have less resources to work with. Furthermore, large international unions offer greater access to detailed financial information, offering more transparency on where dues dollars are spent.

  • Focusing our power: Modern associations need to move away from grassroots structures in order to marshal the full power of their resources. Building up the tools, training, oversight and proper professional support for all these activities requires serious investment in a time where our membership numbers are in decline.

We believe that pilot unions that build a trustworthy brand are able to collect more dues to carry out their mission. When it comes to paying higher union dues, the question should be: “Can we afford not to?”


Merger with ALPA International


Seniority & Scope